Leaderboard of the best hackspaces
- 0. Nottinghack: 88.44%
- 1. C3D2: 86.64%
- 2. Stratum 0: 82.12%
- 3. realraum: 70.76%
- 4. Open-Lab Vorarlberg: 70.28%
- 5. Hackerspace Brussels: 69.12%
- 6. temporärhaus: 68.40%
- 7. Warsaw Hackerspace: 62.96%
- 8. CCC Hamburg: 62.64%
- 9. nbsp: 59.56%
- 10. xHain: 59.32%
- 11. Makerspace Leiden: 58.40%
- 12. RevSpace: 57.72%
- 13. Omega Verksted: 56.56%
- 14. NURDSpace: 50.36%
- 15. Pangloss Labs #1: 49.72%
- 16. Programvareverkstedet: 49.64%
- 17. Entropia: 49.60%
- 18. Mainframe: 49.40%
- 19. Eigenbaukombinat Halle: 46.80%
- 20. backspace: 44.40%
- 21. Bytespeicher: 43.72%
- 22. CCC Darmstadt: 42.80%
- 23. Chaosdorf: 39.88%
- 24. bytewerk: 38.84%
- 25. MakeSpace Madrid: 38.44%
- 26. Warpzone e.V.: 38.20%
- 27. Pomerania Hackerspace: 38.04%
- 28. TkkrLab: 37.28%
- 29. Binary Kitchen: 37.12%
- 30. Munich Maker Lab: 35.64%
- 31. Chaospott: 34.12%
- 32. RaumZeitLabor: 33.64%
- 33. Hackwerk Aalen: 33.20%
- 34. Chaostreff Chemnitz: 32.44%
- 35. Level2: 32.20%
- 36. Subraum (C3PB, Paderborn): 31.80%
- 37. Chaostreff Potsdam (CCCP): 31.72%
- 38. IT-Syndikat: 31.52%
- 39. Hackerspace Trójmiasto: 31.24%
- 40. mag.lab: 29.88%
- 41. MuCCC: 29.28%
- 42. Zeus WPI: 29.16%
- 43. DevLoL: 28.88%
- 44. Nerdberg: 28.64%
- 45. shackspace - stuttgart hackerspace: 28.28%
- 46. Das Labor: 27.88%
- 47. Bastli: 27.36%
- 48. Bitlair: 27.12%
- 49. Coredump: 26.80%
- 50. turmlabor: 26.56%
- 51. Hack42: 26.04%
- 52. LeineLab: 25.36%
- 53. CCC Cologne: 25.32%
- 54. Hacksaar: 25.32%
- 55. Maakplek: 23.56%
- 56. OpenLab Augsburg: 22.76%
- 57. CCCFr: 21.56%
- 58. Hackspace Siegen: 20.80%
- 59. brmlab: 20.76%
- 60. Hacklabor: 20.44%
- 61. K4CG: 20.44%
- 62. Nerd2Nerd: 20.36%
- 63. Schaffenburg: 20.04%
- 64. Technologia Incognita: 19.12%
- 65. Toolbox Bodensee e.V.: 19.08%
- 66. Hackalot: 18.76%
- 67. Odenwilusenz: 18.60%
- 68. Open Space Aarhus: 18.28%
- 69. Brixel: 18.12%
- 70. Chaostreff Dortmund: 16.84%
- 71. Krautspace: 16.76%
- 72. HeatSync Labs: 16.48%
- 73. VoidWarranties: 15.16%
- 74. Hacker Embassy: 14.92%
- 75. dezentrale: 14.80%
- 76. CCC Basel: 14.60%
- 77. Spline: 14.44%
- 78. Leigh Hackspace: 14.04%
- 79. Chaostreff Recklinghausen c3RE: 14.00%
- 80. Westwoodlabs: 13.56%
- 81. hackzogtum: 13.12%
- 82. flipdot: 13.04%
- 83. Hackeriet: 12.92%
- 84. Hackerspace Bremen e.V.: 12.56%
- 85. hacKNology e.V.: 12.12%
- 86. Segmentation Vault: 12.12%
- 87. ACKspace: 11.96%
- 88. CCC Mannheim: 11.12%
- 89. AFRA: 10.88%
- 90. FAU FabLab: 10.76%
- 91. Pixelbar: 10.72%
- 92. Port39: 10.48%
- 93. z-Labor Zwickau: 10.36%
- 94. Hakierspejs Łódź: 10.12%
- 95. TDvenlo: 10.12%
- 96. Hackerspace Drenthe (Emmen): 10.04%
- 97. Post Tenebras Lab: 9.84%
- 98. MetaMeute: 9.72%
- 99. [hsmr]: 9.44%
- 100. Hackerspace Bielefeld e.V.: 9.16%
- 101. H.A.C.K.: 8.88%
- 102. vspace.one: 8.60%
- 103. Chaostreff Flensburg: 7.88%
- 104. Makerspace Gütersloh: 7.80%
- 105. fNordeingang: 7.72%
- 106. Maschinendeck: 7.48%
- 107. /dev/tal: 7.44%
- 108. CCC Aachen: 7.44%
- 109. HTUGraz-ELab: 6.96%
- 110. section77: 6.20%
- 111. haxko: 6.16%
- 112. TAMI: 6.16%
- 113. Hackerspace Nijmegen: 6.08%
- 114. Edinburgh Hacklab: 6.00%
- 115. 57North Hacklab: 5.52%
- 116. Hal9k: 5.04%
- 117. Pawprint Prototyping: 4.56%
- 118. Computer Deconstruction Lab: 4.28%
- 119. Hackerspace Drenthe: 3.84%
- 120. UN-Hack-Bar: 3.80%
- 121. AwesomeSpace: 3.68%
- 122. Umeå Hackerspace: 3.40%
- 123. Makerspace Erfurt: 3.36%
- 124. Linux User Group Saar: 3.00%
- 125. London Hackspace: 2.92%
- 126. Chaostreff Backnang: 1.60%
- 127. Hackerspace.Gent: 1.12%
- 128. Forschung und Technik e.V.: 0.88%
- 129. FIXME: 0.72%
- 130. Polytechnischer Werkraum Zittau: 0.40%
- 131. /usr/space: 0.00%
- 132. Amman Valley MakerSpace: 0.00%
- 133. Apollo-NG: 0.00%
- 134. Arch Reactor: 0.00%
- 135. Attraktor Makerspace: 0.00%
- 136. B4CKSP4CE: 0.00%
- 137. Breizh-Entropy: 0.00%
- 138. Brisbane Makerspace: 0.00%
- 139. CCC Frankfurt: 0.00%
- 140. Chaos Computer Club Wien (C3W): 0.00%
- 141. ChaosStuff: 0.00%
- 142. Chaostreff Bern: 0.00%
- 143. Chaostreff Ludwigsburg: 0.00%
- 144. Chaostreff Salzburg: 0.00%
- 145. Chaostreff Zürich: 0.00%
- 146. ChaosZone: 0.00%
- 147. Do-It-Yourself-Werkstatt Wilhelmshaven e.V.: 0.00%
- 148. FabLab Allgäu: 0.00%
- 149. FabLab Karlsruhe e.V.: 0.00%
- 150. FabLab Nürnberg: 0.00%
- 151. Frack: 0.00%
- 152. Freies Labor: 0.00%
- 153. Fuz: 0.00%
- 154. Garoa Hacker Clube: 0.00%
- 155. Gold Coast Techspace: 0.00%
- 156. HacDC: 0.00%
- 157. Hack Manhattan: 0.00%
- 158. Hackerspace Krakow: 0.00%
- 159. Hackerspace.gr: 0.00%
- 160. Hackerspace Szeged: 0.00%
- 161. Hacklab: 0.00%
- 162. HTUGraz-Philab: 0.00%
- 163. ibbspace: 0.00%
- 164. Ko-Lab: 0.00%
- 165. Kreitek: 0.00%
- 166. Kwartzlab: 0.00%
- 167. LAG: 0.00%
- 168. Laboratorio Hacker de Campinas: 0.00%
- 169. Liege Hackerspace: 0.00%
- 170. LuXeria: 0.00%
- 171. MakeRiga: 0.00%
- 172. Makers im Zigerschlitz: 0.00%
- 173. Maker Space: 0.00%
- 174. Maker Space experimenta: 0.00%
- 175. Maschinenraum: 0.00%
- 176. MidsouthMakers: 0.00%
- 177. Milton Keynes Makerspace: 0.00%
- 178. Milwaukee Makerspace: 0.00%
- 179. Minsk Hackerspace: 0.00%
- 180. Mittelab: 0.00%
- 181. Motionlab: 0.00%
- 182. space Gera: 0.00%
- 183. Netz39: 0.00%
- 184. Noklab: 0.00%
- 185. Nova Labs: 0.00%
- 186. Økoyono: 0.00%
- 187. P'yŏngyang Hackerspace: 0.00%
- 188. Perth Artifactory: 0.00%
- 189. Reaktor 23: 0.00%
- 190. Root: 0.00%
- 191. SchonungsLos: 0.00%
- 192. Sheffield Hackspace: 0.00%
- 193. SoMakeIt: 0.00%
- 194. Sudo Room: 0.00%
- 195. TOG: 0.00%
- 196. Tarlab: 0.00%
- 197. UrLab: 0.00%
- 198. Wolfplex Hackerspace: 0.00%
- 199. base48: 0.00%
- 200. c-base: 0.00%
- 201. i3Detroit: 0.00%
- 202. init Lab: 0.00%
- 203. machquadrat: 0.00%
- 204. nordlab e. V.: 0.00%
- 205. NYC Resistor: 0.00%
- 206. see-base: 0.00%
- 207. spaceleft: 0.00%
- 208. East Essex Hackspace: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 209. Farset Labs: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 210. HSBNE (Hackerspace Brisbane): Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 211. MakeMonmouth: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 212. Makers Local 256: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 213. Recompile: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 214. Stockholm Makerspace: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 215. Swansea Hackspace: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 216. TechTonik Labs: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 217. The Bodgery: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month
- 218. The Space Leiden: Stats seem invalid as the space was literally open at all times last month